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Subject: the dilly?

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Date Posted: 22:17:50 05/05/02 Sun

i used to go to parties for the past 3 years and
of all the crazzy ass things i have seen witch braute me to the BIG CITY
i injoyed every minute of every night( except those one nights, only if you where a peep you would knowº¿º)
and i still make it out about 2 to 3 times to the D
just because i have mad respect for the kids who still go and grow with it
new or not they are fucking there
who cares
the music is having a down fall
all the realy good ass dj's that we where all so used to seeing
vanished without a trace (sort of)
hum what to do
sit home mastermating and smoking weed and shit
or do i go
breath the fresh air inside a dirty old place in detroit
not anymore its all fucking regulated
go back underground where we where safe
how do you do that i dont know
maybe someone can tell me and them i can tell others and then we may be able to sit around others who are just like you trying to get that FEELING back from SELF denial stage
but know everyone is all big hipokrits to exsprese some better love for our great city that once partied till fucking 8 in the morning
what to do
you ask yourself then tell someone if you got something!

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Subject Author Date
Re: the dilly?Bubbles the Raver Glowstick Ninja09:51:57 05/06/02 Mon
Re: the dilly?go fuck yourself23:17:54 05/07/02 Tue

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