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Subject: Re: What YPC FOREVER!!!!!

LiL Juan
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Date Posted: 20:28:55 05/28/02 Tue
In reply to: Lucas 's message, "Re: What YPC FOREVER!!!!!" on 11:46:00 05/21/02 Tue

>Pretty much shut the fuck up unless you're gonna let
>me know who you are, I'm not a raver and I will fuck
>you up if you were to tell me who this is. I don't
>know who the fuck you are but you have got a lot of
>nerve. The only person I see hiding behind the
>computer is you bitch. Calling me unintelligent only
>could make me laugh you piece of shit, if you did know
>me you would also know that is the farthest thing from
>the truth. I WILL FUCK YOU UP! But of course if
>you're fine with acting like the little girl you
>obviously are then you can continue on in your corner.
> I will forget every bit of your meaningless life
>seeing as some cake ass hillbilly means to me about as
>much as I mean to you. If you are however done being
>a pussy, you can email me and we'll handle this like
>it should be!

It seems like you said in this last post you are going to fuck me up. If you don't know who I am then how are you going to fuck me up? I know you are gay so you might try to fuck me, but you don't know how big I am, and you don't know who I am...even know we used to be friends, so I figure you could put 2 and 2 together. well anyways have fun be a sucker.

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Subject Author Date
Re: What YPC FOREVER!!!!!Lucas07:26:22 05/29/02 Wed
who you arewho i am09:38:04 06/02/02 Sun

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