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Subject: Flynote Productions

the truth is not always clear
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Date Posted: 15:04:47 06/07/02 Fri

IN REGARDS TO THE FLYNOTE PRODUCTIONS PARTY "SPRING FEVER" held on April 6th. There is some thing that should be brought in to the light. THE PARTY WAS NARCED BY JEREMY JARRARD who threw the party 'CROWD PLEASER' at the romulus venue in December. His party did not get busted due to it's high capacity of attendees despite the fact that an undercover was present in location. He rationed his money poorly and could not afford to pay the owner of the space at the end of the night, which ended in conflict. In an act of vengence he CALLED THE COPS ON FLYNOTE'S PARTY. The icing on the cake was that Flynote djs actually set up and additional sound system for the small room and performed free of charge at jeremy's party. Way to pay back a favor.

At the 'spring fever' party, romulus cops shattered the glass door of the venue, agressively handeled several non-violent attendees, and kicked a door into one kids face. All of this occured before they asked if we had permits!

Flynote Productions extends their deepest apologies to all of those who were issued tickets at the 'spring fever' event. We are currently working on another event featuring John Acquaviva. All those who were present at Spring Fever will be added to the guest list. Dont worry about confirmation, we know who all 83 of you are. In regards to the 'loitering' tickets, don't take the prosecutors offer, fight it and it WILL BE DROPPED! For all presale ticket holders who did not make it to the party before the bust, you will be admitted for free with proof of purchase of your ticket. (i.e. ticket itself, reciept etc.) This party will be at a legitimate and established venue, 18+

If you know or see Jeremy Jarrard, recognize! He is a NARC!

-Seek the Truth

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Re: Flynote ProductionsKeely09:33:21 06/08/02 Sat
Re: Flynote Productionsflynote productions12:13:13 06/11/02 Tue

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