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Subject: Too good?

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Date Posted: 21:39:24 06/18/02 Tue
In reply to: Shaun 's message, "Re: Hey" on 23:34:07 06/08/02 Sat

OKAY, First thing F'in first. I am not too good for anyone. Sorry if two years after being involved in the rave scene I ten to stay away. You wanna get an attitude about that shaun and open me up to being rude? I dont think so. I never said anything about you Shaun positive or negative. Other than you always made plans with ppll and never showed up. hahaha But thats all jus screwin around. If im too good for everyon why am I still on the same screen name I have been for years? Why do i still talk to everyone I used to? F that I feel like I wanna spout off at the mouth. But I wont. Shaun, I am not too good for you or anyone. I still got madd love for everyone ive known for a while. Thanks Lucas for pointing that out. I just choose to lead a lot less public lifestyle now. Im old, and need to cool it. Shaun, I am sorry about your father. I didnt ever get a chance to tell you that. I hope you and your sister are doing well. Tell her I said hello.

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