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Date Posted: 23:54:01 07/04/02 Thu

No nightclub owner, promoter, or event coordinator is safe. Bill could halt
musical events such as raves.

The Senate is poised to pass legislation that would give federal prosecutors
new powers to shut down raves or other musical events and punish innocent
business men and women for hosting or promoting them. The bill, known as the
Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act), was just
introduced in the Senate on June 18th and has already passed the Senate
Judiciary Committee. It is moving VERY rapidly and could be passed by the
Senate as early as next week. Worse still, the Senate leadership considers
this draconian drug war bill to be so uncontroversial that they are trying
to pass it under "unanimous consent" rules, which will mean no debate and no
real vote. It is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that your Senators here from you today.
They need to know that this bill is a danger to civil liberties and is


--Call your Senators and tell them to stop S. 2633, the Reducing American's
Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act from becoming law. Tell them that innocent
business owners shouldn't be punished for the crimes of their customers.
Tell them this bill has dangerous anti-civil liberties provisions that they
need to be aware of, and this bill deserves serious debate.

You can contact your Senators through the Capitol Switchboard at
202-224-3121. To find out who your Senators are go to:

--Please forward this action alert to your friends and family. The Senate
needs to know that voters find this bill unacceptable.


S. 2633, sponsored by Senators Durbin (D-IL), Hatch (R-UT), Grassley (R-IA)
and Leahy (D-VT), would greatly expand the so-called "crack house statute"
and potentially subject innocent business men and women to enormous fines if
customers sold or used drugs on their premises or at their events - even if
they were not involved in the offenses in any way. If the bill becomes law,
property owners, promoters, and event coordinators could be fined hundreds
of thousands of dollars if they hold raves or other events on their
property. This bill is a part of
a Justice Department strategy to halt all musical events they don't like,
such as raves. For more information on this bill, go to
http://thomas.loc.gov/ and under "bill number" search for S2633.

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