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Date Posted: 07:02:18 06/02/01 Sat
Author: The Good One
Subject: GOOD ONE

Gilliane: Walking out of the barn, you hear your mare, Grey Ghost whicker, you wonder what the problem is, you walk closer, and see another filly! Congrats!
newborn- grey w/ star and four socks arabian filly stands 13hh wmt 15hh

Horselover: You were outside, and you notice something on the ground, its a halter with Midnights namme on it!

Coffee: Outside, you were in the sstables, and you are cleaning out stalls, you wish that you didn't have to clean out the big box stall, when you came to it, it was clean! But, there was something in there!
Southern Comfort- 6 y/o palomino w. star and four socks brumby mare stands 15hh

Lucy: You have won 100pts for any of your horses!!!

Pinto: You won an art contest the prize was $3000!!

Sunny: Outside you were riging, and you saw a bundle of fur, you got closer, its wolf!!
Maddy= 1 d/o gray wolf pup female

Snowtiger: You hear Giddy up Cowboy yelling at something, you at first think it is funny, but he keeps screaming, you notice something black at were he is staring
Forbidden Ground- 10 y/o black w. green eyes, and star quarter horse mare stands 16hh

Victory: Your mare, has a friend with her,
Marshmellow=2 y/o white siberan husky mare

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