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Date Posted: 18:27:52 02/11/02 Mon
Author: Sasha
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Subject: What has it come to?

I may only be a child but I know that these actions are wrong. Ever since I could walk I have loved horses. They have become a part of my everyday life, my soul. Every time I hear have people killing these beautiful creatures, I think, why? Do the killers even have any heart, or is it all for money?!? The horse cannot protect itself from this horrid death, but we can. Horses have feelings and emotions just like you and me, so how do you think you would feel if you were driven in a death truck to your last home, the slaughter house, and then you were shot, hung upside down and had your throat slit? Horses do so much for us! They comfort us when we are sad and lonely, they give us rides for OUR pleasure, and the only thing they ask is for a loving owner, and clean stall, and some feed and hay. But now, horses are asking for more, they want you to give them their life. Please help them! Believe me, they will thank you in the end. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope it made you think about the horses point of view, and maybe, next time you see a horse look into its eyes, and see all of the love, and look deep into his soul, and you will understand a horses feelings and emotions. Make sure that that love is not destroyed.
"Is there nothing people will not do for money? Have you no conscience? How do people who do such cruel acts sleep at night? Please stop the killing of innocent animals"
Look back at our struggle for freedom, Trace our present day's strength to its source; And you'll find that man's pathway to glory, Is laden with tales of the importance of the horse. How about slaughtering the breeders who continue to flood the market with an excess of horses. Just like the millions of homeless cats & dogs, there aren't enough homes for them all. Slaughter doesn't have to be the answer. How about taxing the breeders and creating more revenue for this country instead of contributing to the economies of Asian & European countries. Please do not breed your horse unless you can guarantee to own it until it dies.
Job 39:19-20 "Have you given the horse strength, or cloaked his neck with a quivering mane? Have you made him able to leap forward like a locust? His majestic snorting is something to hear!" Who are we to murder God's creation like this?
sure we shouldn't just burry all of them, but when it comes their time naturaly, we could use them for meat, but, not when they are healthy, but no one wants them.
Foreign owned slaughterhouses in the United States and Canada kills approximately 100,000 American bred horses annually. The horse meat is NOT being used in dog food or to feed starving masses. Rather, it is an up to $20/lb delicacy enjoyed by humans in Japan and Europe. A pound of horse meat usually sells more than a pound of filet mignon!
Horses, an integral part of America's heritage and culture, are favored animals, just like cats and dogs. Americans do not eat horses just as they do not eat cats and dogs. Horses were needed for this nation to even gain independence. They were needed in the survival of humans on this continent.
The way horses are slaughtered is cruel and inhumane. They ride cramped in a trailer, sometimes an illegal double-decker, for days at a time without food or water. Then they are cattle prodded out to be shot in the head with a nail gun, sending fragments of skull into its brain. The horse is often still alive as it is hung by its hooves and throat slit, so it can breathe its last breath.
Humans are the ones who domesticated the wild horses. Ever since then, horses have stood beside us in time of war, carried us across the country, plowed our fields, gave us a job, helped give chronically ill children hope, and remain loyal at all times to their human companions. Is slaughter the only thanks they get? I think that slaughter is wrong. If horses are healthy, then they should live a happy life. If someone doesn't want their horse, then they should sell it to someone that wants one

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