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Date Posted: 13:39:46 02/26/02 Tue
Author: Sky Classic + Vitani
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Subject: Re: The Last stand
In reply to: Majestic 's message, "The Last stand" on 06:24:08 02/26/02 Tue

They walk along the shoreline and notice a body in the sand "Stay here Vitani" Sky orders as he trots ahead to see who the body belonged to "Who is it dad" Vitani questions Sky come closer to the body and relizes who it is he looks up to the cliff where aperently the mare had fallen...or worse jumped. "It's that new mare Majestic you know the one with the young filly" Vitani's eyes begin to tear as she runs forward to the body and her dad "poor star oh how bad she must feel she probably feels worse than I did when..." her voice trails off and she begins to cry harder "when mom died" Sky looks down at his daughter "its alright Vitani Star is going to live with Gambrian she will be fine. You know your mother is in a better place now so don't cry over her come now lets go" Vitani sniffles and turns to walk back with her father. When they reach home Sky orders vitani to go to thier shelter while he go's to find Gambrian. When he find her he begins to wisper so Star would not hear "Majestic fell or jumped I don't know which off a cliff and well lets just say she didn't make it take good care of Star It will be very hard on her" he smiles towards the filly with loving eyes and turns and trots away

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