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Date Posted: 16:44:25 02/27/02 Wed
Author: Starlight
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Subject: Trears roll down her eyes as she see what has happend
In reply to: Seniequa 's message, "Flies across terrain..." on 14:15:58 02/27/02 Wed

*the filly runns out from Gambrian, erlier she had heard a bang, and now there was a crownd up on the cliff. She had saw Sanieqa run off from the cliff and down to the beach. Srat, not bothering to go to the cliff ran after Sanieqa, see her head high in the sunset, but turning the corn, the toe of her hoof hites the sand and makes a dead stop. At first she can't believe what she is seeing, but then gasping as her borwn face goes pale as a ghost. for a moment when you look in her eyes, the soft blue ocean seems to be caught in them, but now slowly leaking, rolling down her cheecks, sobbing in soft vocie crys* M-ma-momy you k-k-cant leave me, please, wake up, I'll take care of you and make you better. *she falls to her knees, and lays her head on her belly, but then she fells mad* You said you'd never leave me! You said when ever I needed you just call your name and you'd be here! you lied! *now standing she takes her front feet and puts them on majestics belly pushing wih all her might, hoping she make her breath, then running to her mouth and blowing in the, the she ran back a repeded it. but it was no use* I HATE YOU, WAKE UP, THIS ISN'T FUNNY! *she kicks her dead mother body, then runns her head into her, try to wake her up as if she was in a deap sleep* WAKE UP!! WAKE UP MOMMY! *she beginns to cry harder, she doean't want to face the truth that her mom is dead. She lays down between her mothers hooves, for a while. Then seeing Sanieqa, she walks over to her and nugges at her side, she saw how Sanieqa had respect for her mom, and though she never said anything, you could tell in her eyes she was thankful. she looked back up to the cliff and saw gambrian standing there, then she looked up to sanieqa* i don't want to go with her, it doesn't seem like she cared about my mom or me, she hardly said anything but for someone to help her. my mom was the one who needed help, and if she needes help with me, i don't want to go with her, i don't want to be the herds babby who all the horse have to look after. I want just on mare who doesn't need help, and will love me and take care of me, like my mommy.*she looks up into sanieqa deep brown eyes, and then truns back to her mothers body, she walk over to it and lies beside her, as she cries her self to sleep in her mothers lifeles arms*

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