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Date Posted: 06:54:47 03/02/02 Sat
Author: Seniequa
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Subject: .:To Starlight:.

Turns her head for the first time since she had begun watching the sunset, her brown eyes gentle as they scan over the filly. She too, just as
Storm Winds and Star had lost her mother, and her father, but not in the same way. She slowly walked over to the passed
mare and Starlight. Her neck still lightly arched, regarding the old mare. She slowly lowered her ead and nudged the foal to
wake her up. Then she spoke, with a soft gentle tone, trying to help ease Starlight's pain. "It will be aight. You'll see, later on,
after your pain eases up. I would know. I lost both of my parents and almost my entire family on the very same day. My father
died trying to save me, Javaqua my sister, my little brother Durrango, and my freinds I was playing with at the time. Being the
boldest foal, I discovered the pack of wolves that were eying us up. My father only lived long enough to save Javaqua, and
watch me get away. Not untouched, by away. I had been bitten by the wolves, so I couldn't run very fast. I was bleeding
badly, and passed out in mid stride. I never tryied to wake up, since my father had droped to the ground and was eaten by
wolves right before my very eyes. When I awoke, i was next to the lake and waterfall, that looked alot like the one I live
behind today, just a little ways past the cliff. I looked around and saw the remians of my mother, father, brother, my friends, the
entire herd, except Javaqua. They too, had been taken by the wolves." shakes her head litghtly to rid herself of the memory.
"Neither me you, or Stom Winds have had an easy past. But we're here. Going strong. I want you to do the same Starlight. I'll
stay here with you so you can spend some time with your mother, and not be alone. She rose her head and turned away,
walking slowly over to a log, that was raised up by a couple of boulders. She laid down under the log and watched Starlight
closely, making sure no more harm would come to her.

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