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Date Posted: 04:31:01 03/07/02 Thu
Author: Sarabi + Zira
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Subject: Stnds tall...
In reply to: Silent Image 's message, "Re: Gallops over..." on 19:36:11 03/06/02 Wed

..."Ah I see you haven't head of us well I am Sarabi Queen of Nukas herd and this is our daughter Zira. Sky killed our leader and his daughter ran from our herd now they both must die" she lungs towards the two mares but Sky lunges in front of them and takes the blow "Leave now Sarabi or every horse in this land will stand up and chase you out" Sky says standing taller than ever before this is my home and our land" he says glancing towards Silent Image and the others "Now get out" more horses start coming up behind Sky "Mom maybe we should go back they are alot bigger than us" Zira says pleading with her mom "Not until they DIE" says Sarabishe says lunging once more for Sky who knocks her away in one mighty blow. Zira turns and runs back to where she had come from "Sarabi get out of our land" Sky says eyes narrowing "Its over Nuka is dead for Zira's sake I do not want yo to suffer the same fate" Sarabi turns and watches her daughter run "We are finished" she smiles "for now anyway" she turns and gallops off after her daughter

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