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Date Posted: 14:40:54 03/10/02 Sun
Author: Seniequa
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Subject: Emerges
In reply to: faith 's message, "*filly whinnies scared*" on 09:47:11 03/10/02 Sun

from behind the waterfall. Ice cold white water riccashaies off of her silken bay coat. She pauses, seeing the carnage and bloodshed. Her heart stops. Momories flash like lightning through her deep brown eyes, draining them of all color, then filling them with blood red fury. She rears and screams, challenging the wolves. She had been attacked before, and was thought to be the sole survivor of a herd of 30. She wasn't going to allow it to happen again. She charges straight into the middle of a group of wolves. Striking them hard in their heads then snapping their necks, but she didn't get away untouched. One had ripped open her neck and another her cheast. Bleeding heavily she galloped to Shynoah and awakeded her from her sleep, telling her of what terror was going on.
Shynoah rises and flies over to Faith, knocking the wolves off of her beloved filly, then shielding her from all other attacks, using her body to block them
she turns and gallops back into the battle, blood running freely from her open wounds. She looked up and saw Gambrian fighting the leader, and galloped up to help her. She charged at the lead wolf, lashing at his head with powerful forelegs, hitting him twice. Turning away she fumbled and landed hard on the ground.
"Is this the end?"
she thought allowed, then clumsily rose to her feet, weaked by the extream loss of blood.
"If I die now, and go to hell, I'll be waiting for you, I'll haunt you for the rest of your living hours."
trots down the slope, stmbling every few steps, going down once or twice.
"I don't wish to die as a coward, on the run. If I die I'll die fighting, just as my father!"
she screams and gathers her last bit of strength to fight. She charges into the wolves that surround one of the mares, she couldn't tell who, there was to much blood. She reared and kicked and continued to fight bravely, just as her father.

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