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Date Posted: 16:52:42 03/17/02 Sun
Author: Khana
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*with the 8 horses going on the trip, she pushes out a smile, and then gives a worried look.* okay lets get going, it'll take us at least a week, and plus rest stops to get there* she starts into the woods, following the path out of the valley. The sun has only been up for an hour, so there is a whole day to start the way, and the be tiered for a good night sleep.
(1 hour later) now they had past all the herd in Running free, fully out of the kingdom, where danger is every where. The birds are chirping, and the is a beautiful valley full of open meadows. In the fare distance there are snow capped mountains, the beauty of the senory took the breath away from most the horses. Khana stoped and told them what they had to do* the meadow is about 23 miles long, it'll take a good three hours unless we runn some of the way. Once we reach the mountains there is a cave that goes starts through, but it dangerous, we can go all the way up and over them, which nothing is up there i know, but it take about 4 days out from the journey. The shortest way is start through, but the worst part is in the middle is magma, the path goes around it, but in some places the ledge is narrow, and i know that some horses aren't good at keeping there balence. and once you past that there are a ice sticks hanging from the celling, you CANT make much noise or movement, or the can fall. Some get as big as 50 feet long, and can crush you in a second. And the whole part of that cave could calpes. Once we pass there we are almost out of the cave. The last thing is mud, but it's like tar, you can get stuck easy and it impossable to get out with out some one else getting stuck. once we reach there we run full spead out, al hope we don't get stuck. It's about a 1/4 a mile so not to long, as long as you keep running you're safe. I can pull the foals out easy, but the grown horses, i cant, just keep running. *the start over the meadow, at a run, soon once that a half way ther the slow down and rest for ten minutes. them start to walk. They haven't reached the mountain yet, but khana says* i'd like to pass the mountain before dark, but if you want, we can go around, but i sugjust we just go through. The trip through the mountain is only about 2 hours, we still have about an hour on the meadow, but we have 7 hours of day light* as they keep walking she waits to hear one of the horses answer*

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