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Date Posted: 18:06:01 03/19/02 Tue
Author: Khana
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Subject: The Journey 2

*they had now crossed the valley and was at the enterence of the cave. The dark cave seemed endless from out side. There would be no way to see, on khana's bag she had brough with her had odd objects in it. She pulled out a wooden flute. she started playing some notes, It was a short melodey, and then a brest of fire appeared. Yet it was not just a fire ball, yet a flying fire bird. * He'll fly with us to the end of the cave, he can't make a lot of light, but enough for us to see where we are going. come on, we best be going to make it before night, we gota good 7 hours of left, and in the cave it wont matter if it is dark. * the bird seemed almost impossible, but it was there any way. The went inside, the only light was a dim glow of the fire bird. it was clear and big enough for them to walk all besides each other if they wanted. * don't get to use to the room, we'll have to go single file soon, Seniqua do you think you can go by your self on that part? if you wish, i may be albe to manage you on my back through that part if i walk quickly. *Now about a half an hour went by, and fast to. The cave now had become brighter, magma was bubbleing, a hot red glow, and the room was warm and sticky. Khana stopped and took out the flute agin. This time she played different notes, the fire bird changed to a big long tailed ice blue bird. she placed the flute back into her bag and started to walk agin. The bird blew ice from its beak onto the lava to cool it a bit. they started to walk on the thin landing of rock as the blue bird tride to make it wider in some places. the lava became froven, but not for long, it would melt slowly, but it did help saniqua a bit.* let hurry up* as the walked along the hotness would burn your skin and you'd get all hot, but it was only the beginning*

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