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Summarized from my informal
personal notes during public Satsanga service at SRF Lake Shrine,
Thurs. 10 Aug 1978, presenting minister = Bro. Turiyananda.
(Disclaimer: These are only very
informal personal notes, posted in spirit of sharing, Anything
unclear is solely due to my note taking. The "Mighty T"
was extremely clear in the actual satsanga.)
* As yogis, direct every word,
thought & activity toward goal of liberation. Karma yoga is
path of guided ambitions. If do actions to please God, then no
* Great men can be made from
seemingly nothing through will & initiative.
* Must serve others. Guru gives us
much, but remember it's for us to share, not keep. Give away
things you haven't used for at least one year-give to somebody
else to use. Use creativity to simplify our lives.
* We must be very enthusiastic. Be
all for God like obsessed businessman is for his work. You work
to become rich then someone else enjoys the fruits because you
die of exhaustion.
* Our conscience is the great church
of life.
* Each man uniquely manifests some
attribute of God before going back to Him.
* Be willing to make commitments in
our life to achieve goals God gives us. Never too late to
reconstruct your life. Learning to commune with soul is 1st
* We have all power we need. Nothing
greater than human mind. Be psychologically self-supporting in
own mind. Learn to develop our own powers by humbly turning
toward God. God will not allow His cosmic law to test us beyond
our endurance. Show dauntless determination.
* Meditate deeply & practice
yogic techniques for God union. Avoid dullness of mind. It's a
lazy yogi who sits under trees reading philosophy & admiring
the beauty of nature. Attune will to cosmic wisdom. First decide
what you really want. When you want to create something first
contact God in meditation & then He will see you through your
efforts. Second, ask Divine aid to direct you to right actions.
All methods of business, inventions, music, etc. are already
recorded in the "office of God."
* Book: The Unknown Life of
Brahams. Brahms highly spiritual. Also Beethoven. Brahms
tuned into God & received music through spiritual eye. So was
Mozart. All were given music directly by God. Hayden too.
Beethoven absorbed in God through spiritual eye from infancy.
Beethoven = will. Mozart = Beauty. Wogner = Romantic.
* Kriya yoga mastery requires lots
of time & practice, just like a great pianist practices many
hours…God is not cheap. Ocean of wisdom can't be poured into
a cup, must meditate to expand cup of intuition.
* We aren't allowed to attain
liberation until we make daily spiritual effort.
* Practice self-control, detachment,
morality, spirituality.
* This world is an immortal's school
of educative entertainment.