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Date Posted: 21:02:03 04/17/05 Sun
Author: Westar
Subject: Merrph. Sorry I took so long. >_< And sorry for the poor post - I am SO flighted-out....
In reply to: Alkyri 's message, "going on the up and up" on 20:25:19 04/05/05 Tue

Westar is zooming along, drawing closer and falling back but always with his eyes fixed on the lovely green he's pursuing - and suddenly, she's gone! The blue squawks in surprise, wings fluttering frantically as he tries to locate her, and then her beautiful voice rises in a scream that shakes him deep within. With an answering shriek, he makes for the place from which her voice had come, arriving to find her gone. It only takes him a moment to make tracks for the sky above the canopy, and he sees her glowing form lighting up the air above him in a vivid spiral, but then she's gone again, zipping away and out of his reach. With a mournful, yearning croon, Westar plunges forward in pursuit, narrow wings laboring to cup enough air to catch up and keep up with the beautiful Romana. He's built for maneuvering and swift sprints, not for endurance or lasting speed, but he'll give it all he's got if there's the barest chance that this green will be his at the other end of it all.

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