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Date Posted: Mon, December 08 2008, 0:30:53
Author: Jerry Poss
Author Host/IP: cpe-75-82-158-38.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: A chance to say goodbye...

Don & Larry

Last October, when I was back in Norfolk visiting Josh [USN on his way to Iraq], we took a side trip to Rocky Mount North Carolina. That is where Rick, my best friend from the war, lived. We were both 23 years old, divorced and he had a son and me a daughter. When I came home I tried to contact Rick Rogers based on what information I had. I did find his parents phone number and phoned them. After explaining who I was and that I wanted to see Rick. His father told me Rick had died in a car crash while he was under the influence of who knows what. His father told me that he did not want anything to do with the war and that he blamed the war on his son not being able to adjust when he came home. Rick got involved in drugs and alcohol and never got over the horrors of War and the things he did at a young age. I did not pursue the matter and hung up.

While in Rocky Mount North Carolina I looked up his father’s telephone and called again. I told Mr. Rogers I would like to stop by if it was ok and share memories of his son, my best friend. He said, "I thought I made my self clear that we want nothing to do with any part of the war” --and it would not be a good time for me to come over now or at any later date.

I guess I needed the visit more that his parents. Maybe I needed to just say goodbye to a dear friend and brother for one last time. I did not get that opportunity to ease my own pain and guilt. My memories of Rick are vivid in my mind, only I am now 62 and he is still 23. The bond Rick and I shared was very strong and we helped each other get through our 365 tour. Every night we would say goodnight to each other, no matter if we were in our tent at base camp or sleeping on the red latte rite mud.

I told Rick’s father that I would like for Rick’s son to contact me if he would like to know what his Dad did in the War. Rick’s father said he would think it over to decide to tell him, or not. As I was leaving Rock Mount North Carolina with my own son, Josh, I felt I was close -- but it does not appear I will break through the bitterness of the loss of a son to a War that was only supported by the young men and women who then served an ungrateful nation. With my son Josh serving in the United State Navy, USS Theodore Roosevelt, I pray and ask God that no soldier will ever come home without a grateful nation saying, Welcome Home and Thank You.

[Don Poss' brother]

Jerry Poss,
USArmy, 18th Engineer Brigade
84th Engineer Battalion
Bong Son Valley

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