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Date Posted: Tue, March 31 2009, 21:37:36
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: cpe-75-82-158-38.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: Computer Tip


For those of you who have real computers (Windows), here's a tip you might find useful:

Ever wonder what that funny Print Screen/SysRq button is for? Use to be you could click that key and it would Print Out whatever is on your screen. For your info -- it still does...sort of. Have you ever been surfing the web and wanted to capture a photo on some site that blocks downloading photos (like some War-Stories.com photos)? Well here's how to do that:


1. Scroll to where ever the photo or text you want a copy of is located.
2. Click your keyboard's "Print Screen/SysRq" key. That loads the page into your temporary copy area as an image.
3. Open your Word Document and place your cursor on the blank page (or it can be anywhere on the page).
4. Finally, press "Ctrl" and "v" keys, and that will paste the "image" of the screen you want in to the word document.


1. Go to the garage.
2. Find the duct tape.
3. Cover your computer screen completely with duct tape.
4. Now here's the tricky part: you must rip off all the duct tape in one powerful RIP (just like when you do the hair off your back).
5. Hold the duct tape up against a mirror to see the reverse perfect image of what an idiot looks like. (just kidding...well, almost)
6. Sorry'bout that.

Don Poss,
War-Stories.com Webmaster

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