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Date Posted: Thu, April 16 2009, 13:49:16
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: cpe-75-82-158-38.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: Follow up thought...
In reply to: Harry Larsen 's message, "Re: Memorial Day Story - Catch The Wind...." on Thu, April 16 2009, 12:31:42

Don Poss
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Subject: Re: Memorial Day Story - Catch The Wind....

Harry: One follow up observation regarding Catch The Wind, and your bulletin board response: “It makes me wonder, will it ever get any better? Will I always break down and cry when I remember my radioman buddy who left the safety of our bunker to find our duty replacements and consequently died in my place when the mortar barrage suddenly started? Probably.”

I got to thinking about that and it reminded me of the news a few years ago. TV crews were at Normandy beach with several of the old WWII veterans who landed there 60 years earlier on June 6, 1944. The vets were pointing out their landing, that many were sea sick, the floating bodies, and running ashore past wounded and dead. One described how they took a terrible pounding by German machine gunners, and how finally they overran them. The vet was very strong voiced and descriptive, and when he pointed to where he went passed the dead Germans he described his buddies, whose spirits remain at Normandy to this day. His voice suddenly froze with emotion, and you could see in his tearful eyes that he was seeing that battle before him as it once was, with his friends laying dead.

I realized that if the WWII veteran, sixty years after the war, could not talk about the war without publicly grieving without shame, then Vietnam will never “get any better” for us, just as his memories of war would never “get any better” for that WWII veteran. I did not feel comfortable with that realization, and begin trying to find the answer, the solution, for “making it get better.” My thoughts on that prompted writing a story called “Airplane Hill” (http://www.vspa.com/dn-poss-airplane-hill-1966.asp), which in part brought me to remember my returning home after DERSOS, and the realization “Vietnam was driving me crazy. I couldn’t let it go -- It wouldn’t let go of me. I realized if I didn’t get hold of Vietnam -- Vietnam would indeed get hold of me... forever.” Nothing has convinced me otherwise from that understanding. In part, that is why I started War-Stories.com and VSPA.com in 1995, and continue with both to this day.

Don Poss

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