Date Posted:Wed, January 13 2010, 20:09:34 Author:Francisco Muniz III, Editor VVA-NYSC Author Host/IP: / Subject: Permission to Reprint 'Three Sisters'
Welcome Home:
I am the editor of the INTERCHANGE, Vietnam Veterans of America - New York State Council (VVA-NYSC) On-Line newspaper. I am writing to request Permission to Reprint the story by Michael Herrera, entitled Three Sisters.
Many of our Vietnam members like to read on these types of stories. Full recognition to author and publisher will be posted at end of article.
You could visit our web site at WWW.NYVIETNAMVETS.ORG and link to our INTERCHANGE site to view our paper. We have had the honor of being chosen twice the State Council Newspaper of the Year Award.
I was based in Phuoc Vinh with Co B, 1st Bn, 2nd Inf, First Infantry Division in the years 1965 to 1966 in the Michelin Rubber Plantation. I returned to Vietnam, two years ago, but was not allowed to enter the village because the Vietnamese is using our military base as their own.
Hoping to hear from you, in a timely manner, I remain