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Date Posted: Tue, March 30 2010, 12:53:39
Author: Fabio Allodoli
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-175-66-222.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: Names of lost men Liberty Bridge Vietnam 1967

My Name is Fabio Allodoli.
I am trying to locate two fellow KIA Veterans from Vietnam 1967, with I believe were with 3/7 India Co, or possibly Kilo. I have been trying to locate these men for 6 years, now and I have not been successful.
I have tried this site in the past but no luck.
I was in Nam in 1967, and 1968, with the Navy as a Seabee with MCB4 “C”. I was one of the original men of about 35 men who built the Liberty Bridge from the beginning on April 67 to the end of September 67.
While there we knew most everyone of the Marines, as we worked with them. There were two men whom I had gotten to know each other somewhat, and on one evening myself and another men were talking to these two men as they were preparing to leave on an LP.
We said see you later, and watched them disappear in the night. Later never came to them as they were ambushed about 1 click out. I was sitting inside a tank talking with one of the crewmen and listening to the chatter on the radio from the men to the CP. Last sound I heard from them was when they were reporting that they had heard some movements nearby. Seconds later we hear an explosions and the radio went silent I bailed out of the tank, as the rest of the crew boarded, and went out to support them. About a half hour later the tanks returned with their bodies, and we unloaded them to stretchers.
I used to have their names but in a couple of moves I have made lost their names. I would like to be able to find their names for a couple of reasons.
That particular Bridge was the longest bridge built in Vietnam, 2,040’ long. I know that there were many more casualties and KIA while there in Arizona Territory. But these two men I knew were attached as one of the companies with the bridge, I also believe there was Kilo Co, and Lima, I do not remember all of them. I know there was a sweep team that got wiped out around June July I think, but do not remember if they were also attached with the Companies providing security for us. If there were other men that where KIA or wounded, and you know how to get their names then I will list all of them on my web site and project.
One, I belong to an Organization called Point Man International Ministries, which was started 26 years ago by Vietnam Vets for the purpose of helping all our Brothers who served in Nam and all past and present wars who struggle with the aftermath of war, PTSD. I have a web site, which also shows the Liberty Bridge, and I want to have their names listed by the Photos, and give them Honor.
Two, I am in the process of constructing an exact scaled down replica of that Bridge, with all the surroundings and donate it to the new Seabee Museum which is now in very early stages of construction. The names of those Marines will also be listed on the Bridge info and all the casualties.

So I need some help and hopefully you might be able to help me.
The time that those boys died was either July or August of 1967.

Thank you.

In His service

Semper Duris
Fabio Allodoli
805 983-3686

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