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Date Posted: Sun, January 02 2011, 15:56:18
Author: Lawrence Shelton (Tranquil)
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Blind Bat from Ubon

Don, I was post Commander ( 1st Lt) for Camp Khon Kaen, an Army Transportation unit which delivered materials to Ubon, Udorn , and NKP and delivered the MTY trailers back to Korat. On an emergency leave in Jan/Feb 69, coming back to Thailand on SPACE AVAILABLE commercial flights, I found myself dropped off the flight to make space for RVN replacements. Needing to get back to my unit, and not being able to swing the senority to get a seat, some kind fellow suggested I go over to NAHA where a group called BLIND BAT was flying nightly to UBON via Camran Bay. I took a taxi over, and was told to wait around and, sure, I could hitch a ride, there were 2 C-130s going that afternoon.

When we were preparing to load up, I was asked which plane I wanted to ride on, and not knowing any difference, they suggested I go on the first craft. Having no seats available in the cargo area, I was told to wrap my armas in the straps and hold on till I was given a blast on the klaxon horn, and I could curl up on the top of the cargo. We were to land in Viet Nam , discharge some cargo, and go on to UBON. I would be warned when to hold on for landing or take off.

The following morning, arriving at UBON, with my driver there to meet me, I was invited to the base club, where the 2nd crew was to buy us drinks. When I asked why, welllll, er, Our craft was rigged to make noise and well lit, and the other craft, quietly following without lights, was there to pinpoint the bad guys on the ground firing at us to have them wasted. I was told the crews took turns as decoy. And I had volunteered to go on the decoy!! Brave dumb guy that I was. But I did gain a lot of admiration for you guys. First time I have seen your site. I will spend some time reading.
Happy New Year!
Larry Shelton
Capt. U S Army Trans Command

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