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Date Posted: Wed, March 16 2011, 22:21:08
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-166-237-73.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: What Does Melt Down Mean?
In reply to: Newell M. Swartz 's message, "What Does Melt Down Mean?" on Wed, March 16 2011, 22:17:35


I happen to know your wife is one of God's greatest cooks on Earth. Go in to the kitchen and take out a large pressure cooking pot (don't get caught) -- that is the reactor housing. Next, find your coffee thermos and set it in the center of the pot. Unscrew the lid. Now pretend the glass thermos is metal and the bottle's inside is filled with concrete. Inside the glass-metal thermos, fill it with straws -- those are the 'rods'. Fill each straw with BB's... that's the nuke-stuff. Special water is poured into the glass and that is what cools the rods-nuke-stuff. No water is bad...very bad...as the nuke-stuff will heat up to 3,000C and melt in to a core-glob and Ozz into the bottom of the glass-metal thingee which handles temps up to 7,000C. Unless the thermos and glass crack (crack is bad) the stuff will just set bubbling for an eons.

Meltdown is a term applicable to old Soviet reactors (and some little-women when you don't follow orders), which did not have a core container to hold the goo. The danger a meltdown portrays (which has not happened) is if the blob was not in a core container and 'melted down' through the housing and bedrock and reached the water table and which would then steam up roiling clouds of radiation. That should not happen in Japan ...as long as the core does not crack. Truth is: the media are liars and the left does not want you to look at the real economy-meltdown that is possible.

Now, put the pots and stuff away and you won't experience a different meltdown.

Don Poss

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