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Date Posted: Fri, June 01 2007, 16:22:15
Author: Jeff Northridge
Author Host/IP: adsl-75-45-112-52.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: The Date Helps and So Do the Place Names
In reply to: larry 's message, "Re: Well, I'm Just Guessing For The Most Part" on Fri, June 01 2007, 10:44:46

Howdy Larry;

Boy, what a lousy place! There's nothing out there except jungles, mountains, and hostiles. Plei Trap Valley is in Kontum Province near the Cambodian border and completely surrounded by mountains (see the 3rd and 4th maps from the left on the bottom row at http://www.nexus.net/~911gfx/mapnd4808.html) . The coordinates for LZ Swinger (YA837699) would place it about half-way between the City of Kontum and the border. On the date that you were wounded (3/30/69), there were 5 men KIA from your company (A/3/12th Inf.), all due to "Hostile, Ground Casualty, Multiple Fragmentation Wounds" and all in Kontum Province. Their names are:

SFC Arthur Milton Bradberry
PFC James Carl Fox
SP4 Johnny Allison Gibson
SGT Charles Michael Lamby
SGT Fred D. Smith

There is a lousy photograph of SP4 Gibson posted on the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Wall Page posted by a buddy of his. I didn't check the Virtual Wall to see if any of these guys have remembrances posted there. I'll let you do that.

Does this ring a bell? In an After-Action Report for early 1969 for C Battery, 1st Battalion, 92nd Field Artillery is the following:

"The move to and occupation of LZ Swinger proved to be a significant period of action. It was considered to be a "hot LZ". A Company, 3d Battalion, 12th Infantry, 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division air lifted into Swinger. The battle that followed left 30 enemy dead while the company had one KIA and 14 WIA. On 2 March 1969 the last of Battery C equipment arrived at LZ Swinger. ON 3 March 1969 the first rounds of enemy artillery fire hit LZ Swinger. The enemy continued to fire at LZ Swinger at various intervals for the remainder of the time that the battery was on the Fire Support Base. The battery was on LZ Swinger for 45 days, 32 of these days the battery received enemy incoming rounds. A breakdown of enemy rounds received is as follows: 105mm 78 rounds; 75mm recoiless rifle, 41 rounds; 82mm mortar, 70 rounds; 85mm mortar, 3 rounds; and 60mm mortar, 4 rounds for a total of 196 rounds of enemy fire. In response to the incoming Battery C fired a total of 528 high explosive rounds, 145 Improved Conventional Munitions and 39 white phosphorous rounds in counterbattery programs. On 25 March 1969, a PPS counter personnel radar belonging to 3/8 Infantry was emplaced on LZ Swinger. The battery employed the PPS radar on the 27th, 28th and 29th of March 1969 firing a total of 103 high explosive rounds, 24 Improved Conventional Munitions and 3 white phosphorous rounds against targets obtained by use of the radar. While in General Support of the 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division in the Plei Trap Valley, Battery C fired a total of 10,113 rounds. While there on LZ Swinger the only way to get supplies to the battery was by airlift. It became apparent that the enemy was trying to hit the resupply helicopters as they approached and landed at the LZ. In answer to this, the battery would fire countermortar and counterbattery programs while the helicopters were unloading their cargo. As a result of this no helicopters were seriously damaged while resupplying the battery."

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