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Date Posted: Fri, August 31 2007, 19:57:45
Author: Sgt Bill Short (The way it was at our unit)
Author Host/IP: adsl-68-93-113-247.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net /
Subject: section 4d btry 5th 16th arty

That Mothers day morning I think we got the first or near the first incomming mortar fire when our 6 mau temporary tent was hit directly with one 60mm mortar that killed Michael Schroeder outright with a direct hit next to his head. That round injured 3 others with schrapnel. My assistnat gunner Rick Peoples from Alabama was hit in legs and crotch with full force of the round that severed an artery in his leg. My gunner Glenn Clendennon from Victoria, TX was also hit with schrapnel as were two others in out tent to a lesser degree. As I stood to react anotherv two rounds hit just outside our tent which killed our two pet puppies and hit me in my left upper arm as well as some of the spent pieces of hot metal burned into my upper lip and chest causing some burns.

Our immediate picture was deafness from the round along with pitch black...cordite smell...dust...and feathers from the blown up sleeping bags. When hearing returned we all heard the severely injured Rick peoples screams with schrpnel wounds to his crotch and legs. When we finally got a flahlight we saw that Rick had a spurting artery that had to be picnched off. It was a virtual impossibility in the dark screaming smoking feather ridden hell within that tent but we were able to grap Rick from moving enough to find the mushy sguirming crotch wound and find the spirting artery and I pinched it hard enough to stop it from bleeding. Blood is the slickest substance you can imagine and stopping a man from bleeding is the most uncertain thing in the world.
Clendennnon held the artery until I could crawl to the FDC hoothch for the medic. The medic saved Rick'life that night in that hellish tent.
After we got Rick evact we gathered in the FDC. The XO and the Captain relayed to us that our perimeter that adjoined the Chopper pad was being overrunn. We proceeded to sction 2 that was layed on the right night fire azmuth and we fired 6 firecracker rounds high angle that mcovered from our front perimeter to the pads. we had a morning count of 21 KIA sappers. That is what was reported to us and is what was stated on my bronze star citation.

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