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Date Posted: Sun, February 24 2008, 21:46:29
Author: Trang Phan
Author Host/IP: c-68-55-44-46.hsd1.md.comcast.net /
Subject: To Mr. Poss

To Mr. Poss or anyone that can help!

My name is Trang Phan, and I've written to you on your forum before but have not gotten a reply (and Mr.Poss I've emailed you but it keeps being returned). I've learned a great deal of things from your web pages about Da Nang where you were stationed. From the things that you have written I can see that Vietnam changed you in a drastic way and has affected your life greatly. For me even though I am Vietnamese I am naive to all that has happened there. However, I would like to know more and most importantly I would like to find my grandfather. He was stationed there between 1965-66, was in the air force, and my mother was born according to the Western calender in October of 1966. My grandmother's name is Mai, she had a local shop that the soldiers frequented. As you know there were many war babies during those times, maybe you would recognize my grandmother and who her boyfriend was. Any piece of information would help.
For you your life changed and so did my mother's life, being born into a country that resented her very existence. The image of the enemy forever seen by your skin, never knowing where you came from. And for me that is the pain that I have inherited. Just the chance to know what happened. To see my grandfather's face would mean the world to me. For you, you could return to your country, for my mother she was never accepted in Vietnam, and coming to America she has struggled. Therefore, she's torn without a true country to call hers and an entire half that is unknown to her.
My family currently lives in Maryland and we have settled down and live comfortably. The only thing we lack in our lives is closure and understanding of what happened so many years ago. I want to know the person that gave me my freckles and the person that made my mother the wonderful woman she is. She's given her entire life for everyone else but herself and I just wish that she could finally know her father, even just once.
So please kind sir if you could just help me I would be indebted to you. Please help me in this search for the truth, no matter what it may hold.

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