Date Posted:Fri, April 04 2008, 11:02:26 Author:Larry Mayes Author Host/IP: / Subject: Re: North Vietnamese communist ~ South Viet Nam In reply to:
Hoi B. Tran
's message, "North Vietnamese communist ~ South Viet Nam" on Wed, April 02 2008, 10:36:46
For those of you who visit this site that are not familiar with Hoi B. Tran's history, he is a true patriot to the USA and before that a fighter pilot and genuine hero in the South's war agains the Communists of the North. I join with him, and salute him for the bravery he and his compatriots showed through years of mortal was a pleasure to have served beside him. Let us all pray for the freedom of those he was forced to leave behind when he escaped.