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Date Posted: Fri, June 06 2008, 15:03:36
Author: Don Poss
Author Host/IP: cpe-75-82-145-89.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Students posting a WS Bulletin Board
In reply to: Jim Morris, English Department, Pembroke Academy 's message, "Students posting a WS Bulletin Board" on Fri, June 06 2008, 15:01:16


Thank you for continuing to teach students about the history of the Vietnam War. Veterans and families alone cannot assure the cost of freedom is known to future generations. The task falls to our nation's educators (for good or bad) to teach students about the historical collective-will and resolve of the people (or lack thereof) and the resulting course and consequences for war or peace. Both war and peace are as certain and fickle as the coming rains.

Some dates forever mark a course chosen that determined world-shaking events. Each year, fewer seem to recognize December 7th as the date President Franklin D. Roosevelt called, "... a date which will live in infamy...." Even fewer recognize today's date of June 6th as the anniversary of the D-Day landing at Normandy in 1944. The D-Day signal broadcast to Europe launching the invasion and notify French Resistance to begin overt attacks against the Nazis, was: "Wounds my heart with monotonous languor."

"Wounds my heart with monotonous languor" was an insightful, prophetic, and timeless phrase that conveys the truth of never-healing wounds of the heart war veterans and family members carry the remainder of their lives. There is no "closure" for war wounds of the heart...at best, there is only a personal recognition of what happened, and acceptance that you will never forget.

You have a standing invitation for your students to access the public pages of both War-Stories (http://www.war-stories.com) and the Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF) (http://www.vspa.com). All the stories, as you know, are personal accounts of the Vietnam War. All public pages are family-rated.

Members appreciate student questions and may receive feedback to their bulletin board posts about the stories. Vietnam Veterans are not made of glass and will not break to a student's sincere question, and will respond in a likewise respectful manner.

Requirements for members and visitors posting at our bulletin boards are to post their email (if you prefer, your students may post your email and you can forward any responses), and a first-name or initial, and last name. If they do not want to list their name, then their post will likely be removed. Bulletin Boards: War-Stories (http://www.voy.com/283/), and VSPA (http://www.voy.com/287/).

Thank you for being an educator who for years continues to bring alive the history of our nation at war and peace, and through the first-hand accounts of veterans at war.

Don Poss,
War-Stories.com Webmaster

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