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Date Posted: Wed, September 17 2008, 21:25:03
Author: Chaplin James Stastny
Author Host/IP: cpe-75-82-145-99.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: Military Funeral

Monday (September 15, 2008) I had the humbling privilege of representing the Vietnam Dog Handlers Association and the Vietnam Security Police Association at the funeral of a fallen warrior, SFC Gregory Rodriguez, a fellow MWD* handler. SFC Rodriguez died Sept. 2nd of wounds suffered in Ana Kalay, Afghanistan, when his mounted patrol came under small arms fire. He was assigned to the K-9 unit of the 527th Military Police Company, 709th Military Police Battalion, 18th MP Brigade, Ansbach, Germany. As I approached the funeral home I saw several members of the Patriot Guard standing in front of the funeral home. Upon entering the building I found Army personal, from Sergeants to a General, filling the interior. I was overwhelmingly impressed by the excellent caliber of those who came to honor this fallen hero.

While at the funeral home I had the opportunity to meet with SFC Rodriguez’s wife, to offer her not only my condolences but those of the VDHA and VSPA. I presented her with a framed certificate of appreciation from the VSPA. She was grateful and mentioned it would be something her boys would truly appreciate. The Rodriguezes have three young children, two energetic boys and a beautiful daughter, as I remember.

In time we formed the funeral procession and made our way to Arlington National Cemetery. That in itself was quite impressive. Motorcycle police escorted the procession, holding traffic at every intersection. Once we arrived at the outskirts of Arlington the police stood at attention saluting the motorcade as we passed.

Once at Arlington the family with friends gathered in a private room. There Brigadier General Philips,
Deputy Provost Marshal General of the Army, presented the family with medals won by SFC Rodriguez. On his behalf the family received the Bronze Star, and the Purple Heart.

Leaving there we went to the gravesite. Six Army pallbearers smartly carried the flag-covered coffin to the grave, and upon laying the casket on the bier they faced the coffin and stood at attention for the remainder of the ceremony. After a twenty-one gun salute the bugler played Taps. At that point the dam burst and tears rolled down my face and did so until the end. Moments like that make me so proud of those who serve this nation, and willingly give their all. The pallbearers then folded the flag. They handed it to General Philips, who then presented it to the family. A group of MWD handlers were present along with three MWDs. One of the dogs was the one SFC Rodriguez handled. Then one of the handlers read the poem “Guardians of the Night.” The poem speaks from the perspective of the dog describing the bond between a MWD and his handler. Then the Chaplain spoke, he offered some truly comforting and appropriate words describing the outstanding character of SFC Rodriguez and his genuine faith.

As I left I overheard some very encouraging and comforting words. It seems that later in the afternoon the Army was going to present the family with SFC Rodriguez’s dog. Yes, the dam burst again and it took awhile for the tears to clear before I could head home.

I can only say how proud I was to be able to represent two outstanding organizations, the VDHA and VSPA.

*Military Working Dog

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