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Date Posted: Thu, April 05 2007, 22:52:39
Author: Jeff Northridge
Author Host/IP: adsl-75-45-126-69.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Re: Guffey S Johnson/ Attn Jeff Northridge
In reply to: Jennifer Blankenbeckler 's message, "Guffey S Johnson/ Attn Jeff Northridge" on Wed, April 04 2007, 21:41:11

Howdy Jennifer;

Oh, that case was awhile ago. Let me refresh my memory.

SGT Guffey Scott Johnson's Army Serial Number is RA 226506377 (which means that he enlisted and the numerical portion is probably his Social Security Number because of the dates involved and because of the number of digits). His MOS was 57H40 (Cargo Specialist). He was born on 6/15/39 and his hometown of record is Independence, VA. His tour of duty in Vietnam commenced on 3/11/71 and he was assigned to the 264th Transportation Company, 394th Transportation Battalion (Terminal), 5th Transportation Command, 1st Logistical Command. He was KIA on 10/31/71 in Quang Nam Province due to "Non-Hostile, Ground Casualty, Intentional Homicide". SGT Johnson's religious preference was Baptist, he was married, and his body was recovered.

Well, lets see about that. You say that SGT Johnson was an MP. Well, that may have been true before he got to Vietnam, but after he arrived, his MOS and unit are inconsistent with that. There is a wowie in the unit designation however since the 394th Trans. Bn. officially left Vietnam on 11/26/70. The 264th Trans. Co. remained in Vietnam until 11/27/72 and was stationed at Qui Nhon, Thi Xa Qui Nhon (the municipality of Qui Nhon which was not part of any province), but I can't find out which battalion the 264th was assigned to (if any) after the 394th left.

Qui Nhon is much further south than Quang Nam Province (whose capitol is Da Nang). For the Area around Da Nang, Quang Nam Province, see the upper-left map at http://www.nexus.net/~911gfx/mapnd4901.html . For the area around Qui Nhon see the upper-right map at http://www.nexus.net/~911gfx/mapnd4909.html . It is not surprising that someone who was in a transportation company would be travelling along Hwy 1 (QL-1) between Qui Nhon and Da Nang.

I don't know how you can get in touch with someone who was in the 264th T.C. because I don't know which battalion it was in at the time, but you could try asking the guys at http://grambo.us/atav/default.html .

"Intentional Homicide" means murder or deliberate or reckless manslaughter not by an enemy soldier and the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division must investigate such cases without exception (see http://www.cid.army.mil/ ). Of interest is:

"Q. How do I get a copy of a closed investigation?
A. To obtain copies of Army criminal records or a completed Army CID investigation under the Freedom of Information Act, submit requests in writing to the Freedom of Information Act Office at: Department of the Army, Director, U.S. Army Crimes Record Center, USACIDC, ATTN: CICR-FP, 6010 6 TH Street, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5585 and fax request to: 703-806-0462."

I do not recall what your relationship to SGT Johnson is, but if you qualify as a next-of-kin or can get in touch with one, then you can request a copy of SGT Johnson's Army Personnel File, a set of replacement medals, and other stuff from the National Achives and Records Administration (see http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/get-service-records.html for particulars). Note: there is a tribute to SGT Johnson on the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Wall Page left by a brother and he would qualify as a next-of-kin.

Good luck!

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