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Date Posted: Sun, May 28 2006, 9:44:24
Author: MSG Brotzman
Author Host/IP: ha18s236.d.shentel.net /
Subject: Re: Casper Flight 721 is Down!
In reply to: Tony 's message, "Casper Flight 721 is Down!" on Mon, March 20 2006, 21:01:08

I don't have a computer, am in my 70th year, but I kinda recall when I was escorting a couple of Donut Dollies and speaking to CWO Kahila on the Crapt Table...he was in the starboard seat, as I recall, and I went to climb on board while the girls went around to the other side when the crew chief tried told us to get off...and some officer, a major I think was hollering it was "the colonel's helicopter". I flew a lot with Casper...a Captain Stryker is vivid in my memory the first time he flew me from An Khe to LZ English...I am still awed to this day by the folks who were in Casper. I have photos of those who were wounded/killed at An Khe in Feb 69 (I think, just before I left) and went to the barracks cause I knew their names then... Of all in the 173rd it was the Casper Platoon that awed me the most...no kidding, seriously...but at the time I did not realize that. I was on a Huey that was flying aircover for a convoy...think it was Stryker who was the pilot...and he picked up leaves from the trees. I am so honored to have been a passenger many times on the Casper platoon aircraft. I recall Steen, but I must apologize my memory is fading; I knew one who was killed at An Khe...at night...sappers. You have my name, you know who I am...but I must say, I do hold all of you in honor and respect...the time one of you set us down in a rice paddy and the Navy vectored into for air cover..then the air force...and you lifted out the disable helicopter. Sorry if my memory is so foggy. You are a wonderful bunch of soldiers...and for some cotton pickin reason, in my mind's eye, I see Kahila on the right side of the chopper. Bittorie was my boss in Germany, and the CSM at English, Major Plant my boss there. I wish you all well, a good life, and so glad I encountered such wonderful folks as those in the Casper Platoon. - SGM Brotzman (ret)

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