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Date Posted: Thu, October 05 2006, 9:19:14
Author: Jeff Northridge
Author Host/IP: dialup- /
Subject: Re: Roger S. Cameron
In reply to: Nancy (Cameron) Cutshaw 's message, "Roger S. Cameron" on Sun, October 01 2006, 13:00:43

Howdy Nancy;

I'm sorry that I didn't get back to you right away. Your brother's, WO1 Roger Sletten Cameron's, Army Serial Number is W 3156132 and his MOS was 062B (Helicopter Pilot, Utility and Light Cargo, Single Rotor). Most of the rest of the information on WO1 Cameron can be found on the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association (VHPA) website. In particular, see http://www.flyarmy.org/K10303.HTM . They fail to mention that the 334th AHC (Cobras) had its base camp at Bien Hoa (north of Saigon) and that 1/31/68 was the first day of the Tet Offensive of 1968. The incident occured in Ding Tuong Province which is about 40-60 Km. southwest of Saigon (see http://www.nexus.net/~911gfx/mapnc4807.html especially the maps on the first and second rows, 2nd from left.) An eyewitness account by a Mr. Wayne R. "Crash" Coe says that it occured in a town. Well, the only town of any significance in Ding Tuong Province is My Tho--the provincial capital. Although the official cause of death is given as "Hostile, Ground Casualty, Gun, Small-Arms Fire", it appears that WO1 Cameron was hit in the head by a round from a .51 caliber heavy machinegun while he was piloting the Cobra while it was in the air and not on the ground. The "guy in back", AC MAJ Ronald E. Gray, managed to regain control of the aircraft before it crashed and flew it back to Bien Hoa--an amazing feat since the helicopter had been damaged by other rounds as well.

Both Mr. Coe and MAJ Gray are probably members of the VHPA and you should be able to contact them through that organization. In addition, there is a tribute to WO1 Cameron on the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Wall (http://thewall-usa.com/ ) which says:

Grant Bobbitt
Friend & Flight School Classmate
4035 Boston Harbor Road NE
Olympia, WA 98506 USA
Roger, I Remember You
Roger, it has been a long time, however, I still remember you. You were a good friend and I remember how we helped each other make it through flight school. I will be 58 years old in just a few days. I hope that you can look down and see that finally many Americans can see what an important contribution you made to the history of this country and what an enormous sacrifice you made by giving you life. I shall always remember you and your kind demeanor. Sincerely, Grant Bobbitt (CW2) Dustoff 102 & Playtex 70
Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Note: the VHPA states that your brother's flight-school class number is 67-3.

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