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Date Posted: Sun, December 10 2006, 17:59:44
Author: Lou Sacco (Very Proud)
Author Host/IP: gw1.ual.com /
Subject: Poem dedicated to the brave men and women who served in Vietnam.

First off, I would like to commend Jeff Northridge for his wealth of information that he has researched for those looking for answers. Wow, he has replied to almost all of them. KUDOS to you Jeff.
Secondly, I have written a poem to honor all the Vietnam Vets who served and died in that war.Mr. Poss, I would be honored if you would add it to your web site, War Stories.

I wrote this after watching Jane Fonda give that pathetic apology for her actions during the war.It enraged me because i have several close friends who served and it is criminal how they were treated when those brave men and women returned.
I did not serve, as I was born in 1967, so this is for all of you....you can also google my name, Lou Sacco and it will lead to the other site that this poem is published on.

Unsung Heroes
By Lou Sacco

You went to war... no questions asked of it
How did you know...you'd return in a casket
Vietnam was the place you were sent
A year tour... digging foxholes and pitching a tent
In country... you will serve
Displaying courage and raw nerve
Sheer boredom replaced with sheer fear
Enemy mortars... were all you could hear
You made it through, by the skin of your teeth
As you dove for cover... under and beneath
Search and Destroy... was your patrol
Many booby traps inside a covered hole
Rat a tat tat... you are caught in an ambush
To the limits your valor... you will push
Hit by an enemy bullet... then you fell
As life slips away, you'll leave this hell
Tagged and bagged... you're finally going home
The journey is over... your soul will roam
Protestors claim you died in vain
You join the thousands... who were also slain
You gave your life for your country... and answered the call
Your name is one of 58,000... etched on the Wall
For fear not... about the life you gave
In Arlington Cemetary... flowers cover your grave
The hand you were dealt was nothing short of rotten
Every Vietnam Vet... will never be forgotten

I have received several positive replies to my poem by Vietnam Vets, all thanking me for this tribute. I hope that all who read this will feel the same and know that there has been and is now, people such as myself, who have nothing but love and admiration for all of you.
So if you are a Vietnam Vet and never heard or maybe heard too late; I have but one thing, long over due, to finally say:

" WELCOME HOME!!!!!!! "

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