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Subject: *she wanders around her empty castle*

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Date Posted: 11:33:04 07/14/01 Sat

*she shifts into a different form. She becomes a girl with a golden skin tone. Her sliver hair falls along her back and a golden horn peaks through her bangs. Her glossy eyes shimmer and a a long white dress covers her tinted skin. The sleeves bell out and her long tail still remains. she has become a Countrail. A human/unicon. Much like a centaur but they stand on 2 feet and have much stronger magic.* The world is changing again. *she looks out over the neutural lands.* Akomos?? Is that a name for our fair lands. *she turns around her hair spinning. She's talking to a dark figure in the shadows.* Tell me, why must our lands change so quickly, and why can't I stop it? *she turns back to the window.* I wish it could be like it was once more. Everyone in harmony. Mother, Father and I. Without Zeifer and Edea. Mother is a fool. She had not faith is father, and now he's back. I want to stop the lands from changing. I want my home back. *she sighs and a bird flyes up to the window* At least war has hidden it's self. OZ and Aira have been quiet. *smiles* Sometimes I think the only life here is my family and those troubled shifters. *she turns around to face the figure again.* do you see what I mean Uncle?

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*he nods*Realer23:27:18 07/17/01 Tue

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