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In this forum, you will examine the truth of Jesus Christ and expose the lies and antichristian dogma of the antichrist, Saul of Tarsus.
Feel free to post your disagreements and/or hatred for the truth of Jesus Christ. But remember, what you write reflects on you, the individual. Not signing your name does no good because everything you do, write or say is being recorded in thn Book of Life! God will hold you responsible for your actions. The Book of Life will be opened and you'll be judged out of that Book! You won't be condemned for your expression of your sincere doubt and disbelief, but you will for your profanity and defaming His name if that is the heighth of your maturity and intellgence!
Abraham Lincoln, (Know who he was?) said, better to be thought an imbecile than open your mouth and remove all doubt!
For many years, I was in your same situation. For 30 years, Saul of Tarsus was my role model. I refused to listen to the Holy Spirit telling me of God's truth, that Saul of Tarsus was Satan's antichrist!
I believed as many Professional Faith Merchants taught, Saul of Tarsus' teachings had more meat and I could be understood then much easier than I could understand those of Jesus Christ. Then I noticed that people seldom, if ever quoted from the teachings of Jesus Christ. The teachings of Saul of Tarsus had truly replaced the teachings of Jesus Christ!
For 30 years, I would pray that God would free me of the demonic spirits and take away the spirit lying spirit of Satan telling me Saul was not an Apostle but an impostor!
Then one day, I was studying and I kept opening the scriptures to Matthew 10:2-4. I didn't know why?
I prayed and it came to me, Saul of Tarsus lied about Jesus Christ changing the name of an unclean murder and persecutor of Christians so he could infiltrate their "cult" and hasten its demise! I kept praying and studying, fasting, praying, studying, praying and fasting. Then the scriptures opened and I was lead to search the scriptures. My heart and understanding was opened and I could understand the teachings of Jesus Christ and it was clear, the teachings of Saul of Tarsus contradicted the teachings of Jesus Christ.
It was true and clear! Saul of Tarsus denied Jesus Christ and His Gospel, contradicted the teachings of Jesus Christ and as such, Saul of Tarsus was Satan's antichrist!
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