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Date Posted: 07:03:50 09/03/01 Mon
Author: ~Saria~
Subject: *Beautiful mare canters in.*

Color:The color of winter twilight, a soft murmer of silver, pink rose, and white. Her horn is silver and has a pink sappire at the base. Her flowling silver tail touches the ground and her creamy silver mane ripples over her withers and down to her knees. Her wings are soft feathers silver.
Height:15.3 hands
Age:8 years
Personality: Very wise, kind, gentle, loving, great with foals, and a feirce fighter if need be.
Powers: She can call up images of the earth below in her ~Gazing Globe~, which she can make appear at any time. She controls the elements with the Ultimite Power, telepythy, shape-changing, can stop any heavy weight from falling, imense strength, perfevt conformation.
History: Saria was created by the gods and goddeses of Olympus to bring peace and love to the earth. She now teaches any who wish the Great Lore, and, if they are of the right temperment, she gives them the great honor of being the next Musespeaker, which is what she is now. Many call her the Empress of Luna.

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