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Date Posted: 19:50:55 01/27/02 Sun
Author: Morning Sun
Subject: *Enters at a gallop*

Name: Morning Sun
Color: Golden Chestnut
Markings:Moon on forehead
Breed: Arabian/Unknown/Unipeg
Description: Though she acts like a stuck up snob, and with her beauty most believe she is, really she is a caring and loving mare. Can and will give her life for those she loves. When in the shadows her coat is a Chestnut, yet in the sun it is a golden color. Her eyes are like the stars, blue and beautiful. Her mane is long, and mixed with golden colors. Her horn is a crystal color, that is in a perfect twirl. Very Strong, from her father. Her wings look like angel wings, as does her voice sound. Her tail touches the ground. Looking for a mate, and loves to become friends before getting too close. Is royal from her father who was the king of a land, and the most powerful unipeg known. Her magic can be so strong, she is afraid it could hurt someone. Never uses the powerful magic, unless needed.
Powers: She has one that is one of the most powerful of all, but doesn't know how to use it and afraid to. Can create many things, and can see the future, and past. Can heal people. Can kill with a blow, but never hurts anyone unless they hurt one of her loved ones. Her father was killed by a unipeg stallion, hard to trust some.

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