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OOC: Great! IC: *Prances happily around the two foals with a deep nicker.* -- Magic, 15:08:26 05/08/02 Wed
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Nuzzles her two foals... -- Dawn Wind, 00:11:02 05/13/02 Mon
The little filly nips at her legs, as if to ask her to play. "Well okay dear" she tells Dawn. She canters off, waiting for the clumsy yet adorably cute foal to stagger after her....
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*Windy lets out a tiny whinny and gallops after his sister.* -- Windy/Magic, 07:33:57 05/13/02 Mon
*The little colt stumbles and falls, then scrambles to his feet and runs like the wind over to his sister. He tags her and gallops off with another whinny.*
*Magic joins in the game, galloping gracefully around with his neck arched handsomely and his ebony mane and tail flowing behind him. His dark eyes sparkle happily and he whinnies deep in his thoat, tossing his dished head as he half-rears. He lands lightly on gleaming black hooves and canters swiftly and gracefully away from Dawn Dream, over the gentle swells in the earth. His world contracts into the steady, rolling thud of his hooves, the thump of his heart and the puff of his breath. Then a strong wind rises, roaring through the rainbow-shower trees on the banks of the Indigo River that feeds the pond. The wind is cold at first, then warm, rippling the grass like water and making the king's heart swell with excitement, happiness and pride. He excels into a gallop, soars gracefully over a log and turns on his thickly-muscled hindquarters, a brown-and-black blur in perfect balance. With an excited whinny he is forced to launch himself powerfully straight into a gallop to avoid his daughter's lightly nipping teeth. The King and the Prince race side by side, thundering as swiftly as they can across the green, shining field away from the Princess. The warm sun beats down gently on the king's back as he whinnies for the sheer pleasure of the chase. He explodes through the tendrils of a willow, eyes shining with excitement, and runs out the other side to meet his mate.* Come on, honey! *he yells.* Our daughter's gaining on us quick! *He nips her rump playfully and races off with the wind at his back, swirling his forelock around his handsome face and tossing his obsidian tail in the air.*
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Speeds after her mate..... -- Dawn Wind/Dawn, 00:08:26 05/15/02 Wed
...And speeds after her mate as their new son and daughter clumsily gallop after them...........
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Yaag! *he shouts in pretend frustration as tugs his long tail lightly.* -- Magic, 10:37:26 05/25/02 Sat
You rascal! *he laughs and bounds to his son, nipping Windy lightly on his fuzzy littly rump. Startled, the colt spins around as a breeze ruffles his forelock. His little brow wrinkles in concentration as he leaps into a gallop, running swiftly after his daddy.*
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(OOC: sorry I wasn't clear--DAWN nipped my tail! lol) -- Magic's player, 10:38:31 05/25/02 Sat
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