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*She rises also and smiles proudly.* -- Fairy+Dream, 15:29:12 07/20/02 Sat
"Yes! You've done a GREAT job!"*She nibbles lightly at the grass also, breathing in deeply all the wonderful smells.*...*Dream lies back down and rolls under her mother with her mouth wide open. A few drops of milk drip from Fairy's udder and into Dream's awaiting mouth.*
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*Grins at his filly and then cocks a hind leg.* -- Magic, 13:42:55 07/22/02 Mon
*He arches his handsome neck, long black forelock falling over his dark, romantic eyes as he settles in for the night.*
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*She nickers to Dream.* -- Fairy, 17:17:59 07/22/02 Mon
"Time to go to sleep, honey."*She flops down next to Magic and cuddles up to his belly.*...*She nods and yawns.*"Yeah, I'm tired anyway."*She rolls over to her mother and against her udder, taking a few sips before turning. Now she's facing the same direction as Fairy, and is snuggled against her belly.*
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