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Subject: ..Ventures over..

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Date Posted: 19:31:50 03/13/02 Wed
In reply to: Isis 's message, "Warmness around her awakens her drifting spirit. Words...kind words...the tone was beautiful, yet she could not comprehend the meaning. Speak again. Mentally, she tells the voice. And then aloud, though it sounds harsh and foreign. " on 13:56:30 03/13/02 Wed

Isis...you will be pleased to know, I have gained a temporary power of healing from a friend. How splended!..He tells her gently, concentrating his mind upon the words..Where does it hurt? I'll be happy to heal you, than I'll concentrate on my own body...He gently prods at her swollen tail, and let's his lids drop. Silver talons move rythmically over the wound, and a ray of deepest orange protrudes from his outstrentched claw, and enters the wound. It cleanses it, fire is a cleansing, and it gently moves upward unto her back, and stomach, working the powerful magic into every limb of the Queen's body. An awkward smile appears upon the black dragons face, though sweat droplets run down his neck. Yes, images were clear from her mind, and he tried to run them over with the orange light. Yes, he tried to over power the worst of the images with the orange fire-like light, flooding the mind, cleansing it. He imagines the orange light filling her, and finally it returns, like jets of light, and he grasps the light again; it quickly disappears in his hand. A deep gasp is heard, and he lays a talon on her shoulder. Can you feel any more pain? Anything at all...?

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*Silent*B&C23:40:41 03/13/02 Wed

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