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Subject: Font color=green>|*|Dragoness of emerald lays apart from the group...hidden in the darkness. Depressed and completely alone, as usual.|*|

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Date Posted: 23:37:09 03/23/02 Sat
In reply to: Vaspyra 's message, ":She smiles at Isis, and wonders exactly how mad Isis would be if-no when she found out...:" on 23:22:38 03/23/02 Sat

|*|Feelings of uselessness dwell in her, she was of absolutely no help during this entire War. Absolutely of no help when the Queen needed her, she only delayed her near-fatale injuries when she could have prevented them. Why does she even stay here? She wishes to help but only is in the way when she tries to. Why was she appointed Beta position? Hidden in the darkness, only her ruby ocules, glowly faintly, gave her away, but now the fade out and she is engulfed by shadows. No longer to be seen, though no one would notice. She rises and slinks out of the cave in true silence, no longer to be in the way...|*|

Ooc:She's in this depressed state 'cause of, well, you read(I hope). I dunno if'n she'll snap outa it...

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*Agiated*B&C01:30:15 03/24/02 Sun
  • . Wish . -- . Osiris ., 12:00:06 03/24/02 Sun

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