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Date Posted: 16:20:28 02/15/03 Sat
Author: I'm crying, such a sob story
Subject: Hey, I've got an idea, how bout we read the other whiney, crybaby CMF messages to E Bay sellers?
In reply to: Connecticut Police Chief's Council 's message, "Oh Billy Boy, such the liar yooooooo ARE!!! CMFs resume.... read it and weep...errrr, LAUGH!" on 15:25:52 02/15/03 Sat

-----Original Message-----
From: ppdn4@aol.com [mailto:ppdn4@aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 10:32 AM
To: E bay Seller
Subject: Question for seller -- Item #

These individuals that are bidding against me on several auctions,
including yours , are "hatemongers" that have successfully been able to
harrass me and my fanmily over tha past two years, they recently had me
kicked off of ebay for a second time, merely becasue I filed complaints
against them for following me around ebay under my previous ebay name,
because they were maliciously bidding on parts for 1971, 1972 and 1978
Ford full sized cars, that I own and am restoring, and THEY DON'T even
own one of these type or year of cars! They have previously con tacted
an employer of muine and had me fired after 16 years with that carreer
corporate employer and have involved me in a major Federal civil case
with my previous employer! These individuals are also in the process
of being named co-defendants in that same action for interfering with me
and my employment, costing me extra money harrassing me, violation of my
rights to privacy, etc. Ebay will be named as a codefendant in!
that suit, as well, fofr violating my rights and for complicity in
these individueals harrassment of me on theoir site (they think it's ok
to get my ebay id , seach under it and bid against me in all of my
auctions, 1) either costing me a lot more money , or 2) losing the Item
that I really want or need for my classic Ford Police car restorations.
Please, please, "block" these individuals from your auctions, so that I
can get something that I may desparately need and they are trying to
maliciously deprive me from having it at a reasonable cost: They are
"gman8549", Gregor Savernik, a hatemonger of Arnold's And a Police
Intelligence computer geek form Cleveland Ohio, "cpdgeg", A overzealous
hateemonger Patrolman from C hicago, who has some strange unusual ideas
on what a police officer is and who feels thas he is above rthe
law,"ddearinger" a pompous, arrogant, "I'm above the law patrolman from
Des Moines Iowa, "badge4U" and "slammapj" , David Arnold, who sponsers
and run!
s a "hatesite "www.voy.com/28706/that he and the others have dedicated
to the hatred of me (there are surveillance photos of me at my house,
with a lying , cheating stealing hatemonger in my driveway, pretending
to be someone that he's not...just one of many surveillances and
background investigations that they've done on me and my family).
Please go to this site, and to eBay's search site, and search by my user
name, ppdn4, and you can corraborate everything that am telling you!
Thank you for yoour anticipated indulgenceds and kindness in
consideration of this rather "bazaar" matter, that these individuals
have created,

Bill Parks

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