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Date Posted: 16:32:51 02/15/03 Sat
Author: Tsk Tsk Tsk. Yes, those juries will love you!
Subject: What? There's even MORE Whiney, Crybaby CMF? With threats to the sellers, too?
In reply to: Connecticut Police Chief's Council 's message, "Oh Billy Boy, such the liar yooooooo ARE!!! CMFs resume.... read it and weep...errrr, LAUGH!" on 15:25:52 02/15/03 Sat

-----Original Message-----
From: ppdn4@aol.com [mailto:ppdn4@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 12:41 PM
To: E bay Seller
Subject: Question for seller -- Item #

If, after what I told you about this guy Savernik, GMAN8549, and the
fact that he nor any of his fellow coward hatemonger harrassers even
owns a car to put any of these parts on, then I must conclude that you
feel that what he is doing is "ok with you!" Being such, if I am forced
to outbid myself, essentially and pay 2-3 times more for this item,
because you allow someone to come onto your auction and harrass me, then
I shall take the appropriate action at the end of this auction. So ,
don't do anything about it now. Just please don't cry when you are the
recipiant of the outcome of this!

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