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Date Posted: 17:04:35 02/15/03 Sat
Subject: Like Cliff Robertson used to say in those AT & T commercials: "CMF - IS - a whiney crybaby"
In reply to: Connecticut Police Chief's Council 's message, "Oh Billy Boy, such the liar yooooooo ARE!!! CMFs resume.... read it and weep...errrr, LAUGH!" on 15:25:52 02/15/03 Sat

-----Original Message-----
From: Ppdn4@aol.com [mailto:Ppdn4@aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 11:27 AM
To: E bay Seller
Subject: Re: !

And if you'd open your eyes and search by my eBay ID , you'll find out
it's not about any "one little auction," check out their hatesite,
buddy, www.voy.com/28706/ I'm naming all of these assholes, including
YOUR favorite bidder, Patrolman David Dearinger of the Des Moines Iowa
Police dept. His dept and the City op Des Moines in Federal District
Court case currently on a civil docket,, in Oralando , FL, and proof of
all their harrassment , distress and alarm that these individuals over
the past two years ha3e caused me, will be admitted as full exhibits and
evidence against them, so If you think that this is merely some neighbor
borderline, fence dispute, you'd better think again. THese people went
my career employer of 17 years, Bellsouth Telecommunicatins this past
year and caused me to be fired after 17 years, so Please excuse my
righteous, indignance towards these cowardly hatemongers, as thjey are
noyt deserved to be called "people!", If they'd done half as much to
you and otehrs as tyhey have done to me, you may have taken other less
legal courses of action, which I have considered as well, MY life has
been a living hell because of these people, can you understyand that?
There is more than enough info here for you or anyone else to
corroborate it, ...it's not my opinion, or political hearsay,
....everything that I have pointed out to you are MATTERS OF FACT! So,
Like Cliff Robertson used to say in those AT & T commercials , make the
"RIGHT CHOICE!...or I will!

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  • But WAIT! There's even MORE whiney, crybaby CMF -- ....UNTIL THEY GOT ME THROWN OFF! No, dipshit, you did that yourself....5 times at LEAST, 17:46:53 02/15/03 Sat

  • Always blame somebody else, ey Billy? (NT) -- -, 17:50:26 02/15/03 Sat

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