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Date Posted: 21:50:04 06/13/12 Wed
Author: one of the original "hatemongers"
Subject: Hard to believe....
In reply to: Good old Sam 's message, "Test Message" on 16:08:37 10/11/11 Tue

Hard to believe that this thing has been on-line for more than 10 years now. And in that time, what has happened to our old friend, Bill Parks? I mean besides him getting sent to jail for stalking and violating multiple court orders.

Let's see. The hobby has flourished and grown by unbelievable leaps and bounds with new project cars and an entirely new generation of collectors, restorers and hobbyists stepping up to the plate to continue a proud tradition. And Bill? He just continues to spread his hatred by threatening to sue eBay sellers who ban him from their auctions or refuse to sell to him. Hasn't that gotten old yet, fat boy?

Don't think you haven't been noticed lurking in the background at recent CT State Police open house events and hiding in your late model Mustang with the handicapped placard on the mirror. You must be a real chick magnet in that thing, huh?

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