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Date Posted: 10:19:26 11/20/99 Sat
Author: ramanuja
Subject: Re: HEY!
In reply to: Lauren Leach (Webpage owner) 's message, "Re: HEY!" on 09:57:16 11/20/99 Sat

Simpleton, you dare challenge me. You are nothing more than a sycophant to a sham created for a reasons other than music. $$$ by Kiss-FM. Note how there is only a link to their morning program on their lame site, reason being that there are MANY legal ramifications pertaining to a DJ forming a "band." KIDD BLOODY KRADDICK cannot allow his name on their actual website for legal reasons, as to that I am sure that you are completely ignorant, (you seem to use ignorant interchangably with stupid, demonstrating which you indeed are) so there is no point is discussing them. My opinion is not only my own, but that of the intellegntsia whom I merely reresent. Your band is judged by us as talentless. I am only trying to save them and you from the monster Kidd Kraddick before they are forever lost. You are not helping the cause of kindness any with your insipid website and fanatism, you brainwashed goit. I am sorry that I may have offended you, but you need to be offended. You need to be "shaken" from this nonsense as soon as possible. Are you a dupe? Are you that stupid? Your last response was that of a mentally challenged child, a freakish pawn that cannot or will not ever think for herself. You embarass yoursellf beyond reproach with you website. And NEVER challange my superiority over you mentally, you haven't the mettle.


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