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Date Posted: 01:19:13 02/26/03 Wed
Author: Taboo and Logic
Subject: =-=Enter Taboo and Logic=-=

=-=From the Cimmerian foliage appear two sets of scintillating orbs. Stealthily a sleek muzzle shifts through the grasping leaves, scenting the air curiously. He continues to slip through the bush his long muscular limbs carefully sifting through the dried life. His shoulders break the barrier followed by a flawed obsidian pelt. His hindquarters and bushed-tail soon follow. Beside him, within seconds stands a femme, smaller than average, not particularly special in anyway except her desirable honey eyes. Proudly she stands beside her aristocratic mate, her tail flicking from side to side. “’Tis empty, ‘tis empty like the plains and the trees.” With a slight huff of annoyance the male continues to roam through the grove, neglecting his mate’s concerns. “’Tis safe, we will stay.” He said placing his head to the ground, rustling through the leaf-litter. “Curse you, Taboo! Last time you declared such hound were upon us like prey!” She growled, abruptly. “We were the prey but this time I know what mistakes I made.” He quietly hissed, his tail twitching in aggravation. “What I say will remain! The wind cuts like mans stars and this copse lacks the protection.” The male turned sharply, his teeth glaring in ire. “Trust me,” He snapped, watching his mate shrink back. In dissatisfaction the grey wolf lunged and her robust accomplice simply dropped to the ground. “We move!” She stated, trotting ahead, leaving Taboo to scorn behind her. “You can move but I shall stay.” Taboo knew the situation, within hours they would meet up again but for now they had severed their last nerves and each other’s company was no longer needed. Sourly Logic left the sparse wooded area and carried on through the plains while Taboo yawned and collapsed in the crisp, crackling leaves.=-=

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[> .:Scout from the Calika:. -- Raad, 05:48:34 02/27/03 Thu

for hours he had walkd around side the pack border of Calika, now he had enters the southern lands, he knows that he could meet Civana wolves here, yet he took the risk, he could smell the scent of strangers here, and they needed members in Calika. He stops to take a break, when he sudden hears the sound of two wolves, he stands still in the bushes, and listens to them, when he hears one of them leaves, he takes to move towards the remaining one. Silently he stops and stands and watches the male, then he makes a sound to make sure he hears him
"greetings stranger!"
he says, more bravely then what he feels

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[> [> =-=Taboo=-= -- Taboo, 02:07:44 03/01/03 Sat

=-=The wolf’s tufted pinnacles flick, hearing the approach. The dozing male listens further and hearing the wolf’s call turns his head. His first thought was that Logic had indeed been right and that the small gathering of trees was a mistake and was home to a pack, but on further thinking he dismissed the idea because the scents were fading. Quickly he rises to his feet and swings around to survey the wolf. Taboo guessed he had been witness to the argument and it made him feel bitter. Logic was not particularly stubborn but more dominant and if the wolf didn’t see that now he would in further meetings. Taboo obtrusively lifted his head but returned the strangers greeting in a pleasant manner. “Greetings. I hope I have not invaded your territory but my mate and I have been travelling for many moons now with little rest and your copse was a tempting spot for one such as myself.” The ebony wolf had decided to apologise furthermore, you never knew who you were facing but he showed no signs of submission. “I shall leave if you wish so,”=-=

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[> [> [> he grins at him -- Raad, 02:28:38 03/01/03 Sat

"if you're leaving, please head towards the Calika Pack area," he says with a sheepish grin
"I am Raad, scout from the Calika pack, this is a unclaimed land, none lives her, except those who are looners, and who are few of here, I'm looking for new members to Calika"

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[> [> [> [> =-=Taboo=-= -- Taboo, 09:23:17 03/12/03 Wed

=-=Taboo nods enthusiastically, showing a great interest in the subject of a pack. His eyes eagerly light up and he concentrates on the male a lot more seriously. Suddenly, rapidly his glance changes from the wolf opposite to the vast plains behind, the grey stalks bending in the wind. Logic. He would have to wait for her return before setting out on the quest for the pack’s territory and as the polar winds hit him harder he begins to recognise the signs of winter’s hand. Unmistakable scents of fertility are swept with it and the canine twitched, his nose gradually rising. The obsidian wolf shakes himself free of the mood and regains his posture and one important question was forming in his head. “And what rights to mating will we have?” There was no guarantee he could persuade Logic to allow him the honour but it was instinct for him to want it. Taboo grinned slightly – feeling a little sheepish but sitting proud in the umber leaves nonetheless.=-=

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[> [> [> [> [> he grins -- Raad, 11:22:13 03/13/03 Thu

"from the rank scout and higher you are allowed to breed."
he grins again
"it's easy to become a scout!"

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[> [> [> [> [> [> =-=Taboo=-= -- Taboo, 07:08:38 03/20/03 Thu

=-=The ebony masculine grins slightly. Rising to his paws he shakes himself free of whatever sleep still overcomes him and looks longingly out over the eerie grassland. Quickly he decides that he will follow Logic's scent and propel her to join the pack. He slowly begins to pad away, knowing soon their 'free' life would end for the better. By next week they would be constantly ducking their heads and awaiting their turn in line but Taboo new it was stupid to carry on roaming when they could easily opt for the protection of a pack. After all the opportunity would not arise for many more moons. Taboo quickly nods to Raad. "Thank you, I am sure I can persuade Logic and I'm sure we'll be meeting again." Taboo smiles and lowers his elegant head and upper body in a bowing before loping of into the empty Ghost Plains to follow his mate's scent.=-=

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