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Subject: Attention!!!

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Date Posted: 18:12:56 05/29/02 Wed

Ralf is my husband; I will not be getting a divorce. I still know that Ralf did not kill Nancy. Nothing has changed to cause me to belive otherwise. It does not matter how long the appeal takes, I'll still be Mrs. Ralf Panitz. At least now he is out of Sarasota and I'll be able to spend 12 hours every weekend with him. That will hold us for the time being. Geoff did make a motion for a mistrial over judge Nancy's head but that has not been ruled on yet. Since the sentencing went forward Ralf has only 30 days to file an appeal or he's screwed. We cannot wait for a higher court to rule on a mistrial. So in a sense we are going both routes at the same time. You know, whichever happens first we'll go for it. The state will appoint an appeals attorney to Ralf once Geoff files the paperwork. Geoff still wants to do a new trial and Ralf still wants him. So at this time I don't know what will happen first, a ruling on a mistrial or a ruling on the appeal. We are just covering all our bases. I do know that one way or another there will be a new trial. I hope that answers everybody's questions. If not I know you'll let me know. I hope to have my computer back on-line by the end of next week. I'm very tired of coming to the library. It's very inconvient for me right now. If anyone wants Ralf's new adddress they can e-mail me and I will be happy to provide it for you.

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