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Subject: Is this justice?

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Date Posted: 18:33:21 06/11/02 Tue

While Ralf was in the county jail awaiting trial, an man by the name of James Tinnell was placed in the same cell block as Ralf. Tinnell had been picked up and charged with murdering his girlfriend. Her body had been dumped on the side of the road. When James was arrested he gave a lengthy confession on video tape of how he killed his girlfriend and drove around with her body for several days before dumping her on the side of the road. When asked why he killed her he said she was crazy and needed killing so he did. When he had time to think about what he said he began to think it was not such a good idea to have confessed, so he called Jennifer Sullivan from the Sarasota Herald and told her that after he dumped his girlfriend's body he went to Mexico where he was approached by people to bring anthrax into the U.S. Tinnell wanted Jennifer to talk to the FBI and get him a deal so he would not have to spend very much time for the murder that he committed. Jennifer got in touch with the FBI but they could not prove Tinnell's story, and said no deal. Tinnell then wrote to Charley Roberts and told him that if they could make a deal he would testify that Ralf had confessed to him that he killed Nancy. Ralf did not do any such thing. Geoffrey found out that Roberts was going to try and use Tinnell, and asked me what was going on. I told him to talk to Jennifer and he did so, and she told him about the anthrax and that Tinnell confessed to her also that he murdered his girlfriend. Geoff supenoaed Jennifer and that is what started the dispute between Geoff and the paper. When Roberts found out that Jennifer was going to testify he dropped Tinnell. Well Tinnell took a plea and has been sentenced and sent to prison. He got there just a few days after Ralf. You would expect that with his confession that even with a plea he would be sentenced to a long term. Nope, he got 15 years total, but could be out in 12. Here is a man who freely admits to murdering his girlfriend because she needed to die and he is only doing 12 to 15 years, and here Ralf is sentenced to life without parole for insisting on a trial and refusing to take a plea for something he did not do. Apparently it pays to be a snitch, or at least trying to be a snitch. His problem was that Ralf is not guilty and had nothing to confess. Tinnell's story came right from the papers, inaccuracies and all. It was very easy for Geoff to show that he was lieing. But Tinnell was rewarded anyway. Where is the justice in this?

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