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Subject: Fieger fights to keep case in Michigan

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Date Posted: 11:11:49 06/12/02 Wed

Source: http://www.newscoast.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Site=SH&Date=20020612&Category=NEWS&ArtNo=206120418&Ref=AR&Profile=1002&SectionCat=NEWS0101

Sarasota news briefs

Fieger fights to keep case in Michigan

SARASOTA COUNTY -- Geoffrey Fieger, the flamboyant Michigan attorney who is suing a local judge for slander, has filed a motion aimed at ensuring the case is not moved to a Florida federal court.

A press release issued by Fieger's attorney April 11 said Fieger filed a lawsuit in a Detroit-area court seeking $1 million from Circuit Judge Thomas Gallen. But, in contradiction to that announcement, Fieger's latest court filing said he deserves $75,000 for damages to his reputation.

Federal courts rarely handle civil cases seeking less than $75,000 unless the court has another reason for jurisdiction.

Fieger filed suit against the judge after Gallen wrote a letter to the Herald-Tribune saying Fieger should be punished for calling two jurors "Nazis" and "creeps." Gallen also reported Fieger's behavior to the Florida Bar after his client was found guilty of murder.

Fieger's client, Ralf Panitz, was found guilty of murder in March. Panitz, a 42-year-old who was convicted of killing his ex-wife after they appeared on an episode of the "Jerry Springer Show," was sentenced to life in prison last month.

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Fieger's slander suitStan23:20:47 07/13/02 Sat

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